Social security denial - a journal of assistance
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Social security denial - a journal of assistance

The Social Security system is in place to help us through difficult times. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which the system makes our lives even more difficult than they need to be. The day I received the denial letter for my claim, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. After talking with a few friends, I contacted a lawyer. That was the best decision I had ever made. Even with the professional assistance, getting the denial overturned and getting the money that I was owed took several months. I have kept a clear journal of my experience and loaded it with information that can help others get through what can be an impossible time.

Social security denial - a journal of assistance

Has Work Stress Made You Depressed? Get The Help You Need Through Worker's Comp!

Alexis Garcia

Depression can sap your willpower and make you feel as though you no longer deserve to be happy. If you've developed depression recently as part of your work, you may be able to get help for your condition in the form of worker's compensation. However, filing a claim for depression requires you to know the cause is related to your work and for you to be willing to fight for your benefits. If you want to get better, it's important to know how worker's compensation may be able to help.

Depression Does Qualify For Worker's Compensation

When you suffer from depression, it's easy to believe that your problems are not important enough or serious enough to qualify for assistance. However, workplace-related depression is a valid medical condition, and you may be entitled to compensation if your condition has developed or been aggravated as a result of your job.

Treating your depression and getting the care you need can be costly, which is why many depressed people simply don't seek treatment. With a worker's compensation claim, you can get the treatment you need without paying out of pocket. In fact, worker's comp will cover medicines, mental hospital stays, therapy bills, and even some financial burdens brought about by symptoms of your depression.

In some cases, if your depression is so severe that it prevents you from working, either wholly or partially, you may be able to get paid leave while you recover. This allows you to focus on building coping skills and beginning new treatments rather than being stressed from work and falling into unhealthy habits.

Aspects Of Your Work May Cause Or Aggravate Depression

Sleep and depression are closely interweaved, so your depression may be linked to infrequent or poor quality sleeping. If you work a job with long shifts and little off-time or with irregular shifts that require you to frequently lose several hours of sleep at night, you may be able to demonstrate a link between your condition and your work.

Employees who deal with other people in high-stress or difficult situations are also more prone to depression due to emotional vulnerability. If your work opens you up to traumatic events frequently, you should talk to your doctor and your lawyer about whether your depression may have been caused by your job. Policemen, doctors, EMTs, and firemen are just a few parties that are subject to higher stress and trauma -- and who see higher rates of depression as a result.

Even if you work a low-stress job, you may also be feeling depressed due to a traumatic event that took place at your work. If a coworker was recently injured or killed in front of you, or if you have experienced some other shocking or traumatizing scene, depression that you develop as a result is also covered by worker's compensation.

All of these conditions apply to the aggravations of preexisting depression as well. If you have been managing your depression well and an event or circumstance at work causes it to flare up again, you can still seek compensation for your recovery period and additional treatments required.

Depression Claims Can Be Difficult To Navigate On Your Own

Unfortunately, though depression is technically a covered condition, most employers or worker's compensation insurance companies will not let a depression claim go by unquestioned. You should expect for the validity of your condition and its causes to be challenged, not only by insurance agents, but also by their lawyers. For this reason, both a skilled attorney and strong medical documentation are required for your case to succeed.

Don't forego the help you need, and don't let the worker's compensation insurance company strongarm you out of benefits that will make it easier for you to get healthy. Talk to your doctor and your lawyer about the circumstances of your depression, and whether a claim will be the right solution for you. With professional help and belief in your right to be happy, you can recover much faster than you ever thought possible.

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