Social security denial - a journal of assistance
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Social security denial - a journal of assistance

The Social Security system is in place to help us through difficult times. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which the system makes our lives even more difficult than they need to be. The day I received the denial letter for my claim, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. After talking with a few friends, I contacted a lawyer. That was the best decision I had ever made. Even with the professional assistance, getting the denial overturned and getting the money that I was owed took several months. I have kept a clear journal of my experience and loaded it with information that can help others get through what can be an impossible time.

Social security denial - a journal of assistance

Teenaged Traffic: Can A Parent Be Held Responsible For A Teen's Car Accident?

Alexis Garcia

If your teen has been in a car accident where they are the at-fault driver, things can become complicated for you. There are many factors that play into whether or not your teen will face civil or criminal charges, as well as whether or not the accident will have financial ramifications for your as the legal guardian. Many parents wonder if they will be held liable for their teens actions. 

Can you be sued for your teen's actions?

The short answer to this question is sometimes. The long answer is that there are certain instances where you as the guardian can be legally responsible for the actions of your teen. However, because driving is seen as an adult activity and because individuals hold licenses in their own names and not the names of their parents, teens can sometimes be the only responsible party. You could be implicated in your teen's case if:

  • your teen was driving a family vehicle registered under your name. Usually, this is the case for teen drivers. Since you are the owner and registered driver of the car in question, you could be partially responsible for the accident. If your teen is going to be driving family vehicles, make sure they have the right clearance with your insurance to avoid this problem. 
  • you should have been with your teen. Some states require adult chaperones for teenaged driver's, like those who are operating on a learner's permit. If you forgo this responsibility, you can be liable for accident damages. 
  • you know that your teen should not drive. If your child has a history of careless driving, such as speeding tickets or distracted driving charges, this could be seen as an allowance for endangering others on the road. However, the injured party will need to proof that the previously cited behavior is the cause of the current case filed. For example, if your child has a history of running stop signs, the current accident must have been caused by a similar action at an intersection. 
  • your teen was not insured at all. Your car might be insured, but insurance is there for driver liabilities as well. Teen drivers are expensive to insure, so some parents might forgo expanding their policy. If your teen is not insured, the injured party can come after family assets, including homes, bank accounts, and investments, to make up damages. 
  • your teen works for you. If your child is an employee for your business, and you allow them the use of the company or family car for a business reason, you can be held liable for damages, partially because you are the parent, but also partially because you own the business associated with the vehicle and employee.

If your teenaged driver has their own car, it becomes more simple. The accident damages will be charged to the insurance company, and a settlement will likely be reached without any reflection on your own record or sometimes, even a reflection on your own insurance premiums, depending on your policy.

What should you do directly following the accident?

Right after your teen's accident, you should contact a car accident lawyer right away. It is often difficult to determine the at-fault driver in simple cases, but for teens, it becomes even more difficult to decide who is actually liable for damages. The intensity and duration of the lawsuit, as well as who it involves, changes based on each individual situation, and it can become very complicated. Car accident lawyers can help reduce the amount of flack that you receive for your child's mistake. This is one situation where legal representation will be necessary to reduce the amount of stress placed on you and your family. Check with firms like Hardee and Hardee LLP for more information.
