Social security denial - a journal of assistance
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Social security denial - a journal of assistance

The Social Security system is in place to help us through difficult times. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which the system makes our lives even more difficult than they need to be. The day I received the denial letter for my claim, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. After talking with a few friends, I contacted a lawyer. That was the best decision I had ever made. Even with the professional assistance, getting the denial overturned and getting the money that I was owed took several months. I have kept a clear journal of my experience and loaded it with information that can help others get through what can be an impossible time.

Social security denial - a journal of assistance

Charged With A DUI? Here's What You Should Do

Alexis Garcia

Receiving a driving under the influence (DUI) charge can be a hard pill to swallow. It's a serious offense and one that can follow you for a very long time if you receive a conviction. If you have a DUI charge hanging over your head and need some advice on what to do keep reading to learn a few tips that can help you face the situation with confidence.

Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney 

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself after receiving a DUI charge is to hire an attorney. A criminal defense attorney is a legal professional who will know just how to handle the case with ease.

Courts take DUI's very seriously. You have to understand that when someone is driving under the influence not only can they hurt themselves but they also stand to injure other motorists as well. It's a crime that can leave so many casualties in its wake. That's one of the reasons why the penalties for this particular violation are often so stiff. Everything from high fines to jail time is on the table. This is especially true if you have had prior DUI convictions or have a criminal record.

You need to work with an attorney to try and get the charges dropped or reduced. Criminal lawyers can negotiate with the judge to perhaps get you a lighter sentence than the one you would've gotten without their aid. They might also be able to approach the situation from an angle that you haven't thought about. This includes questioning the legality of the field test and so many other factors that could end up having the entire case thrown out.

Assemble As Many Character Witnesses As You Can

While you wait for your court date, you should start to get together a team of people who will vouch for your character. Character witnesses are essentially there to show that you are indeed a responsible citizen who might have just been having a temporary lapse in judgment. Maybe your manager can show up for court and tell the judge how you have never missed a day of work or how you are rarely late. Religious leaders who have been in your life and know you well are also a good choice. 

If you work with your attorney and get testimonies and statements from friends and family members, you just might come out on top. Stay as calm as possible and get ready to be victorious as you fight the DUI charge.
