Social security denial - a journal of assistance
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Social security denial - a journal of assistance

The Social Security system is in place to help us through difficult times. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which the system makes our lives even more difficult than they need to be. The day I received the denial letter for my claim, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. After talking with a few friends, I contacted a lawyer. That was the best decision I had ever made. Even with the professional assistance, getting the denial overturned and getting the money that I was owed took several months. I have kept a clear journal of my experience and loaded it with information that can help others get through what can be an impossible time.

Social security denial - a journal of assistance

Do You Have A Wrongful Death Case?

Alexis Garcia

Losing a loved one is a horrible thing. It's made even more horrible when that death could have been prevented or happened due to negligence on the part of someone else. Often, when death happens due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim with an experienced attorney. For this reason, if you think you may be dealing with one of the common types of wrongful death claims, you should speak with an attorney right away.

A Speeding Driver

Often, car accidents turn fatal only because one of the drivers was traveling at speeds well above the speed limit. Pedestrians can also be victims of deadly car accidents in which one driver was speeding. Whatever the case may be, if someone died because of a speeding driver, a wrongful death claim can usually be filed.

Worksite Negligence

People are often exposed to serious and sometimes deadly hazards within the workplace. This is especially true for industrial or construction workers, who often work with dangerous equipment or at high heights.

If you have reason to believe that a loved one's employer could or should have done something to prevent the death, then you absolutely need to speak with an attorney.

A Plane Crash

Thankfully, plane crashes are not extremely common in today's world. However, they do sometimes happen. They might be due to a fault or oversight on the part of an airline, an incompetent pilot, or other issues.

However, anytime someone boards a qualified plane, they expect to be as safe as possible. If the company or those associated with the company do anything to increase risk or cause death, even inadvertently, speak with a lawyer to learn your rights and what you can do to seek retribution.

A Texting Driver

Texting while driving is becoming increasingly common and, sadly, so are the deaths related to it.

If your loved one died after or because of an accident with a texting driver, seek legal help. If you can prove that the offending driver was texting or otherwise distracted, you might be able to get justice, at least in the financial sense.

When you've lost someone, legal help may be the last thing on your mind. However, you owe it to yourself and your loved one to seek justice when wrongful death occurs. If you think you might have one of these cases on your hands, please speak with a wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible.
