Social security denial - a journal of assistance
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Social security denial - a journal of assistance

The Social Security system is in place to help us through difficult times. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which the system makes our lives even more difficult than they need to be. The day I received the denial letter for my claim, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. After talking with a few friends, I contacted a lawyer. That was the best decision I had ever made. Even with the professional assistance, getting the denial overturned and getting the money that I was owed took several months. I have kept a clear journal of my experience and loaded it with information that can help others get through what can be an impossible time.

Social security denial - a journal of assistance

  • Confessed To A Crime? Ways A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Still Help You

    18 April 2016

    If you are suspected of a crime and interviewed, criminal defense attorneys recommend you invoke your right to remain silent. This is because anything you say can and will be used against you. However, if you confessed instead of remaining silent, you may be wondering if there is anything that can be done to get the confession recanted or get you a reasonable plea deal. Even if you have confessed, a criminal defense attorney can still assist you.

  • 3 Questions To Consider When You've Been Injured On Someone's Property

    23 March 2016

    When you've been injured on someone's property it may not be your fault, and you may be owed money for your medical expenses. If you are struggling to pay your medical bills after an accident, check out these three questions to help you determine if you qualify for a settlement.   Was the Owner Aware of a Dangerous Condition? Property owners have a responsibility to keep most people who enter their property free from injury.

  • How A Personal Injury Case Involving A Minor Is Settled

    18 February 2016

    When a teenage child is seriously injured in a car accident and someone else is at fault, you, as the child's parent, you will have to determine how to settle the personal injury claim. A child under the age of 18 cannot file or settle a claim like this on his or her own, but that does not mean he or she does not have the right to compensation. If you are in this situation, you should talk to a personal injury attorney about how cases work when they involve minors.

  • Turning Your Home Brewery Into A Business? When Should You Seek A Liquor License?

    26 January 2016

    Over the last few years, craft breweries have skyrocketed in popularity -- with sales of craft beer increasing nearly 20 percent in 2014 alone. Not only has this rise helped put some truly unique and memorable recipes on the market, it has sparked the interest of many amateur brewers interested in designing (and selling) their own craft brews. If you fall into this category, you may be wondering what you'll need to do to profit from your brewing abilities.